Raspberry Pi: Getting YL-69 Moisture sensor to work and display analogue input Roel Van de Paar 1:45 3 years ago 34 Далее Скачать
Experimenting with ANAVI Soil Moisture Sensor on Raspberry Pi Leon Anavi 3:33 7 years ago 8 728 Далее Скачать
Analog Inputs with your Raspberry Pi - HOW TO use the MCP3008 pi3g 5:30 2 years ago 20 807 Далее Скачать
SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR INTERFACING WITH RASPBERRY PI 3 B+ : TURORIAL 11|JAGADEESHMATLAB |VERTULONIX Home Automation and Embedded IoT Projects 8:12 4 years ago 2 297 Далее Скачать
Raspberry PI + Moisture Sensor with Python (wiring, code, step-by-step walk-through) Data36 - Online Data Science Courses 26:00 3 years ago 26 543 Далее Скачать
Raspberry Pi and Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensors for Gardening Leon Anavi 11:53 3 years ago 10 641 Далее Скачать
2 - Connecting & Reading from GPIO sensors - Raspberry Pi Plant Monitor School of Sisyphus 14:35 4 years ago 721 Далее Скачать
#369 Definitive Guide to Attaching Sensors to the Raspberry Pi (Tutorial) Andreas Spiess 13:22 3 years ago 100 917 Далее Скачать
RPi 31.0 - DIY Smart Soil Moisture Sensor Exp: #1 (4K) tsbrownie 10:47 4 years ago 1 377 Далее Скачать
how to use soil moisture sensor with raspberry pi pico | getting started with micropython #shorts Impulse Tech 0:38 1 year ago 337 Далее Скачать
Soil moisture sensors, Automatic irrigation and the Raspberry PI hydrosys4 raspberry 29:11 4 years ago 28 397 Далее Скачать
Quick Setup of the Capacitive Hygrometer 1.2 and the AutomationHat Board hydrosys4 raspberry 10:48 4 years ago 1 604 Далее Скачать